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Investing in Eternity

"Investing in Eternity" is how we think about financial giving at Gungahlin Bible Church. This is not something new to the Christian church – the first Christians were radically generous with their possessions because of their new-found boldness and fearlessness that came from the assurance of Eternity. Their generosity demonstrated and helped prove the reality that the gospel changes lives. Jesus himself spoke many times about money and our wealth, for He knew it would be a big issue for those serving in His Kingdom and living in this world. Therefore the Bible tells us not to ignore our wealth and the way we use it.

We invite GBCers to "Invest in Eternity" – for that is the only proper use of our money when it comes to followers of the One who was rich but became poor for our sake.

The Old Testament speaks of a tithe (10%) of your income. At GBC we believe this is a good starting point for Christians, but perhaps a better guide is to consider the three words; generous, sacrificial, and cheerful. Give whatever amount results in you being generous. Give whatever amount results in you being sacrificial. Give whatever amount results in you being cheerful. (2 Cor 8 – 9).

At GBC we don’t pass a giving plate or bag around – instead we have a yellow giving box located at the back of church, or encourage online giving directly to our bank account or via the Tithe.ly App on your phone (details below). We do this because we believe your giving should be between you and God, and we do not expect newcomers, visitors or those investigating Christianity to financially give.

Gungahlin Bible Church (Westpac Bank)

BSB: 032733  Account Number: 259980

(International) Swift Code: WPACAU2SXXX

PayID: 52 562 057 552

Contact us for details about how to download our Tithe.ly App

If you have any questions about our financial matters then please speak to Lora or William at church.