Leadership Team
Gungahlin Bible Church is led, under the Lord Jesus Christ and with His Word open, by a Leadership Team. The Leadership Team or Elders (1 Tim 3; Titus 1) serve in feeding, protecting and caring for God's flock. They model Christ-like behaviour and serve the church in humility, making key decisions along with GBC Partners and Ministry Team Leaders.

Pastor Dom Fiocco
Pastor Dom is married to Leslie and together they have raised three adult daughters.
He grew up on the Gold Coast with a constant suntan, a soccer ball by his side, and racing his family greyhounds. From a Catholic upbringing, Pastor Dom became a Christian at university (UNE, Armidale) after understanding that the gospel is a message of grace, centred on having a relationship with Jesus rather than mere religion or "churchianity"!
Before studying theology at Moore College (Sydney), Pastor Dom worked as an accountant in Sydney. He has served in Anglican Churches (Sydney), at Crossroads (Canberra), and since 2003 with Leslie has been involved in church planting across Canberra (SBC, Lakeside, MBC). He recently completed his Masters at SMBC.
Pastor Dom’s role as the Church Planter is to teach God’s Word and pray, to vision-cast, and equip God’s people for ministry.

Pastor Adam Chessum
Pastor Adam is married to Kay Ling and have a son entering high school. Pastor Adam grew up in north east Victoria and heard about Jesus when he occasionally went to church and listened to the Bible being read. He gradually came to understand the grace of God and his deep need to trust in Jesus at the age of nineteen.
Pastor Adam is a graduate of ANU with a Visual Arts degree in painting and then, after a Ministry Apprenticeship studied at Moore College (Sydney). He has had many years of ministry experience explaining the good news of Jesus to people from different cultures. Since 2015 Pastor Adam has served alongside Pastor Dom at Southside Bible Church.
Pastor Adam’s role at GBC will be to focus on evangelism and discipleship and equipping the church family. He will have a special focus cross-culturally helping people find Jesus and learn to follow Him.

Bob Prior
Bob has been married to Evelyn for 45 years. Together they have been blessed with 5 adult children, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 sons-in-law, and 8 grandchildren – that makes them very busy! They have both previously served the Lord in Sydney with a Congregational Church, in missionary service in Botswana, in NSW country ministry in a Baptist church as well as ministry in a women’s rehab for a period of time.
In Bob’s busy "retirement" he has continued a life-long passion of combining his love of sport with his love of Jesus and been involved in sports chaplaincy for many years. He also finds time for outreach and pastoral care among the horse-racing fraternity here in Canberra. Together with Evelyn they love opening their home for Bible studies and helping people come to find Jesus. They also share a passion for global missions.

Joseph Ting
Joseph has been married to Erene ("E-Reen") for close to a decade and have two young children, Stephen ("Stef-en") and Udelia ("You-Dee-Lee-Ah"), all with names that are apparently tricky to pronounce or spell.
Born and bred on the lesser-known and -visited side of Malaysia in Sarawak, he was blessed with godly parents who model a devoted Christian lifestyle and upbringing, surrounded by a loving community of believers who are (still!) faithful servants of the Lord. He experienced a spiritual "growth spurt" in his time studying at the ANU as part of the Overseas Christian Fellowship, which was also the setting for meeting his lovely wife.
He joined Southside Bible Church (then known as Woden Valley Bible Church) back in 2012 and witnessed God's willingness to answer prayers by planting GBC 9 years later. He was part of the GBC-planting team together with Erene and are now enjoying their Sunday morning beauty sleeps, having their church commute reduced by almost 90%!
Joseph works for the Lord through His employment by the ACT Government, in his area of passion - sustainability. In his leisure time, especially since his young children have mastered the skill of "sleeping through the night", Joseph plays Ultimate Disc at the local league and enjoys board games too.

Matthew Weaver
Matthew is married to Cathryn after they met many years ago in South Korea while Matthew was teaching English. They have 2 young boys that keep them tired but filled with joy. Together as a young married couple they served in church planting work in China and continue to have a heart for global missions at GBC. Matthew and Cathryn were part of Southside Bible Church before helping plant GBC in 2021. Matthew serves at GBC in co-leading a Fellowship Group, looking after all things sound and tech related at church, whilst Cathryn leads a Korean women's fellowship group. With their boys they enjoy camping out in their electric car and seeing how far the battery will last whilst watching movies in the car. They hope to learn another language which will help them continue to reach out with the gospel to the nations.

William Lim
William is married to Zoe (mid-2021) and they have been part of GBC since its beginning. William is currently completing his PhD in actuarial studies at ANU. He is a graduate of ANU and has been involved in student ministry on campus since 2011 (OCF and Mandarin Bible Fellowship). William and Zoe love to hike up Mount Ainslie every morning chasing their imaginary dog. They serve in many ministries across GBC, including leading a Fellowship Group, music, sound and overseeing our finance team. They are both fluent in Mandarin and love helping people from overseas grow in following Jesus.